Saturday, July 12, 2008

le Tour de Fleece

Though things are still crazy here (I've finished the knitting for the sock book, at least until we look things over and decide that this chapter or that chapter needs *someting else*, but I still have a lot of text to go over and an entire chapter to write. I got a 2-week extension on the deadline, and I should finish everything before the 2 weeks are up), I am still spinning in the evenings, so I joined the le Tour de Fleece- a challenge/competition to spin something from your stash every day during the tour.

Now, I care absolutely nothing about bicycle racing, but I do care about spinning, and it sounds like fun, so I'm in. There are sub-groups of spinners (teams, if you will) in the Tour, and I joined the Twisted group (for fans of Twisted Fiberarts rovings)(*obsessive about* might be a better term). I have 2 Twisted rovings on hand, and I'm hoping to score a couple more if the new pre-order opens soon (please, open soon, when I'm actually at the computer). And if I get the new rovings, they will be *in my stash*, and therefore qualify... heh...

My first Twisted roving is Tulip, which is dyed in gorgeous pinks, roses, and peaches. The fiber blend is merino and silk, and it's spinning like a dream. I have 2 bobbins filled, which I will ply tonight. The color delineation of this roving isn't sharp, so I'm not going to try to preserve the self-striping qualities. I'm just going to 2-ply it and let the colors change and develop on their own. It should end up a light fingering weight yarn.

Here's info on le Tour de Fleece:

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