Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thursday Tab- Saalfield #2411 Anna, Bess Cherry and Dee

As promised, here is another version of last week's Miss Diane, with 2 of the same dolls (renamed). Anna, Bess, Cherry and Dee is larger, both in size and scope, than Miss Diane, with 4 dolls and 8 pages of clothes. The little owner of this book renamed the dolls, writing the new names in pencil on the cover. She was imaginative- I don't think I've ever heard the name Bellicent before.
You can see the difference in color saturation on the outfits that are in both ABCD and Miss Diane- the quality of this book is much higher. Unfortunately, I whitened the pages of these scans (for printing), but didn't save copies of the original tint. Sorry.
Right click on images to enlarge, click to save as jpgs. Print from any graphics program, clothes on plain paper, covers on card stock.

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