Wednesday, November 14, 2007

And no other accomplishments either...

Well, I did make chili for supper, but otherwise, I've done nothing this afternoon but Selbuvot. And grand mittens these will be. I've finished the hand of the first mitten and will likely get the thumb done tonight. This is a wonderful design- not easy to follow, but not terribly difficult either (I need to enlarge the chart for the right mitten- I think that will help). It looks black and white, but it really is cream and green.
Side note: these will fit me just fine, but there is no extra room in them. If I knit mittens for someone with bigger hands, I'll make the side borders a couple of sts larger (or I'll use bigger yarn and size 3 needles).


  1. You did this TODAY??? 9:00 am to 6:31 pm???
    I've had the book for several months and haven't started one - you got the book and almost finished a mitten in one day! It is a GORGEOUS mitten!

  2. Yeah- my toilets aren't cleaned, my bills aren't paid, the dust bunnies multiplied like... well... bunnies... but I did get the entire mitten knitted in one day. I think I was possessed.

  3. I enjoy being possessed once in awhile!

  4. I must get that book. I've been pondering it for ages, but I am seeing such lovely mittens. I understand obsessed by the way. Am obsessed with your sock patter from the SFS Kal. Love it. thank you again.

  5. I love the green but then I am partial to green. I was like that with my hat. It is wonderful to see so much knitting accomplished. I almost said just accomplished but then it was just knitting. LOL

  6. Beautiful! Isn't it addicting? So hard to put down...
    I really need to make more mittens :)
