Thursday, November 15, 2007


My first finished Selbuvotter mitten! I love this mitten- stranded knitting is my favorite, and I love intricate patterns. I did have a little trouble with setting up the thumb- figuring out where to begin the front pattern, and centering the back pattern (which you can see from the scan, didn't line up perfectly). I already have the lower border knit on the mate, but I must work on a Christmas sweater today (which I can't show because the recipient peeks at the blog once in awhile).
I'm only uploading the palm (the back of the mitten looks the same as it did in yesterday's posts), and the inside of the thumb.

I'll probably make gloves next, and maybe I'll use more colors. I want to knit them all.
btw- does anyone know how to pronounce Selbuvotter?


  1. Well, I don't know how to pronounce Selbuvotter, but I think the mittens are fabulous. I love Fair Isle, though I'm not especially accomplished at it. I found you via a link at the Woven~N~Spun blog.

  2. How do you knit so fast? I can't believe that you did that mitten in6 hours plus the thumb by 10 the next morning? I am totally impressed! Plus, they are so beautiful.

  3. Thanks, leigh!

    kaykatrn- mostly I knit fast because I don't do anything else (though I did watch much of Season 3 of The Office on DVD while I knit the Selbuvotters)(I finished the pair last night- now it's back to the sweater that MUST be finished).
