Thursday, December 20, 2007


A last-minute Christmas present for my son- We Call Them Pirates hat (pattern available here: I'm using worsted weight yarn and size 5 needles but I'm getting the same gauge as listed in the pattern (which calls for a lighter sportweight and size 3 needles).

This is a fun hat to knit, and it makes me want to dig out an eyepatch.


  1. I first thought the Arrrr was more of an Arrgh, but now I get it, its a pirate arrrr, not a frustration argh. I have the pirate hat on my to knit list as well, so watching with interest.

    stella from new zealand

  2. I LOVE this hat and mittens set. I really want to knit one up for myself.

  3. I just finished this pattern as well, but I adapted it to a headband for my daughter's boyfriend. Hope he likes it. Merry Christmas!

  4. I love your site and your spidey mittens. I am looking forward to knitting the elephand hat, the spidey mittens and the fingerless gloves. Put me in for the drawing
