Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Announcement! Signed, Sealed and Gainfully Employed- and Contest Time!

Astute blog readers may have noticed that I haven't shown any recent knitting projects (finished or un)- there's a reason for that, and I can finally announce why: I've begun work on another book! The contracts arrived today, so I can go public with the news.

Taunton (the same publisher who did such a marvelous job with I Heart Felt, and lucky me, I'll be working with the same wonderful editor) is going to publish my next book. I'd tell you the working title, but working titles get changed (in my case, 9 out of 9 times), so we'll just call it The Sock Book.

Yep, that's right. I'm writing a sock book. A Big sock book. And the deadline is a killer, which means it'll be all socks, all the time, until July.

The upside is that I am once again gainfully employed, which is always nice (that sort of thing makes the electric company very happy), and that I have another book in the pipeline (which is also very nice, in a purely egotistical way).

The downside is that I can't show any of the projects I'm working on for the book (though I will inevitably talk about the process- perhaps that *talking* will sometimes sound like *bitching and moaning*- and I intend to talk about all the wonderful yarns I'm using. Oh my, the yarns I'm using are fantastic).

But the real downside is that I'm going to have to suspend the Freebie Friday patterns for the time being, at least as a weekly thing. I simply will not be able to come up with a new pattern every week, and at the same time, design, knit, and write up 75 (yep, seventy-five) sock patterns by July. I do hope to squeeze a Freebie in here and there, but my priority right now is the paying job.

As a compensation for suspending the freebies, I think we'll have more contests, starting today.

I happen to have an extra advance copy of I Heart Felt (which won't hit the stands for another 3 weeks). Post a comment for this post between today and Midnight February 1, and one of the commentors will win a signed copy of a book that no one (well almost no one) has seen yet.

Not the same as a free weekly pattern, but I think it'll help.


  1. Congratulations! 75 different sock patterns? Good luck! #74 and #75 - hmmm... start hauling ideas out of the garden? :-) ...anklets knitted with grass or milk weed fluff? :-)

    Congratulations again!

  2. Seventy-five?? Seventy-five??? Whose crazy idea was that, yours or theirs? Sign me up. . .

    Elizabeth D.

  3. I'll play - I loved the last book :)

  4. Fantastic! As a co-author of two technical books, I KNOW the pain of writing deadlines, over-ambitious TOCs, etc. Best of luck with your 75! designs -- hope that will let you cover a variety of techniques (toe up, stranded knitting, double-points, 1 circular, 2 circular, etc. etc. etc.)

  5. I recently started a fair isle phase and found your free patterns - WoW! I'll miss them but look forward to your sock book. Thanks!

  6. well, first I am glad for you about the secure earnings, but sad about not seeing the freebies, I have not manged to make any of them yet, but I looked forward to see what you came up with every Friday, and second glad that we get a chance to win your new book. Keep up the good work


  7. Will miss your Friday Freebies-but well worth it in exchange for a book with 75 sock patterns! WOW!


  8. Love the freebies - the snowman mittens are the cutest I have ever seen. I wish (almost)that I had someone little to knit them for. Actually, feeling that you are a friend, I started one of your mystery books, and am amazed that a friend of mine could write such a thing. Good luck on the socks. I am looking forward to another book from my Dakota friend. Joanna

  9. Congratulations Kathleen on a new book. I'll miss your Freebie Fridays though. May I assume that you still want us to send you pics of the freebie Friday projects as we complete them?

  10. Elizabeth D- it was a sort of joint decision.

    cj- I'm going to feature as many different sock construction methods as I can- that'll be part of the fun of writing it: exploring new ways to knit socks

    joanna- thank you so much!

    ruthie- absolutely! I love to see pics of things made from the Freebie patterns and will post them happily.

  11. How absolutely wonderfull about the sock book. Is there a theme for the sock book that you could share? I mean like Nancy Bush's seem to have themes. I am so very happy for you and look forward to the book.

  12. Congratulations on your new book deal! Woohoo!!!

  13. Oh I soooo want to win that book! And congratulations on the new book, I know it will be great!

  14. Yeah new book! 75?!?!?!?! wow! I definitely think you should do a book on American Idol also. ;)

  15. Congrats! On both the new contract and on your book coming out soon. Can't wait to see them both!


  16. OOH I look forward to the new sock book! I love sock books and am kind of a sock making maniac. I have also been on a felting craze though this winter and have your last felting book and wanted to get the new one once it comes to our LYS. I'd love a chance at the drawing.
    I too will miss your Freebie Fridays but plan to knit those awesome snowman mitts for my granddaughter so that will keep me busy for a bit.
    If you need a test knitter for any sock patterns, give a holler.

  17. Oh I would love to win!

    Your blog is awesome and I read it daily, I am unwinding from a work day when I do so...

    Thanks for this blog! The wonderful freebies

  18. Congratulations on your new contract! (And I hope to win the book, too!)

  19. Wow, Seventy-five designs. Congratulations on the book deal. I'll miss Freebie Friday.. 'specially since I just found out about them last week.
    Good luck on your sock-a-thon from now until July !!

  20. Wow, seventy-five new sock patterns!!?! Congratulations (and good luck?) on the new book deal!

    Sign me up for the book contest too!

  21. Can't wait for your books to come out!!! Congrats!

  22. Congratulations! Can't wait to see all those socks!

  23. Good luck with your new book. Been meaning to mention that I got two compliments on the mittens from Felt One Knit Too in one day. One person wanted me to knit them a pair. Another was a clerk at JC Penneys here in Yankton who asked who knit them for me. I told her I'd done them myself. She said, "I've been knitting all my life & have never made mittens." I told her how easy it was, how forgiving felting is, and that you're a fellow South Dakotan, so she had me write down the book and the author, and was going to have someone track it down for her in Sioux Falls. I was pleased to be able to promote you a little. You do lovely work.

    -Laura/Coconuthead on ravelry

  24. Congratulations! 75 sock patterns, WOW!!! Can't wait for that one!

  25. Congratulations on the new contract! Really looking forward to your book.

  26. For some strange reason, the old line from Laugh In (?) comes to mind...sock it to me, sock it to me!
    Yowza, that's a lot of socks. Good luck and congratulations.

  27. Sunflower Socks....a novel idea for your book....Congrats!!!

  28. Seventy five sock patterns in one book - awesome!!

    I LOVE knitting socks, but I will miss your entertaining Freebie Fridays!

    Good luck to you, and congratulations!

  29. Yay for gainful employment! I can't wait until I am ready for socks! Congrats on the job and book!


  30. Congratulations on your book! I can't believe you're going to have 75 patterns. I have to grow more feet!

  31. Just please keep posting the paper-doll cans. They bring back memories--my favorites were ballet ones and Little women (I think).

    But, it's worth it for a new sock book. Looking forward to seeing it.


  32. Congrats! I stumbled across your blog about two weeks ago, and have been enjoying it immensely. I've been knitting about a year, and love to knit socks, so I'm really looking forward to your 75! socks patterns. And I'm trying to figure out how to make the snowman mittens to fit me :-)

  33. Congratulations on the book contract! It does sound like it's going to take Herculian effort but I look forward to seeing the end product.

  34. 75. By July. Wow! Looking forward to it.

    I just barely got a taste of your excellent freebie Fridays, but I can't see you doing much else but eating and sleeping socks!

  35. Yay Kathleen! I know just what you mean about being able to keep the power company happy. 75 sock patterns would sure stretch my brain! That's definitely gonna be a BIG book! Hope it's fun work. :o)

    Hugs, Gretchen

    P.S. Hope there will still be time for paper dolls? :o)

  36. Yay Kathleen! I know just what you mean about being able to keep the power company happy. 75 sock patterns would sure stretch my brain! That's definitely gonna be a BIG book! Hope it's fun work. :o)

    Hugs, Gretchen

    P.S. Hope there will still be time for paper dolls? :o)

  37. Wow 75! I couldn't do that many in a year never mind by summer!

  38. I love your freebies and will miss them but will enthusiastically await the Big Sock Book. Congrats.

  39. Congratulations on your new book! I wouldlove a copy of i (HEART) felt, i have you first felt book and 101 designer one skein wonders and love them both.

    blessings patchworkhen

  40. I'll miss the Friday freebies :-(, but congrats on the new book - if you need a test knitter I'd love to help you out!!!

  41. I love the Friday Freebies and will miss them, but socks are my favorite things to knit. So will be looking forward to the new book.

  42. What a wonderful way to start the new year! Much congratulations! I'm a fairly newbie knitter and haven't attemtped socks yet, but have been "getting that urge". I will defiantly follow along and find out when we can expect it's release. I'm sure it will be filled withmany wonderful patterns.

    Again, congrats!

  43. Congrats! I'll play, too. Looking forward to your book.

  44. A Sock book??!!! I can't wait. I'm sure it will be awesome.

  45. Congrats on the book!
    I'm feeling lucky - my birthday is Feb. 19.

  46. Wow, congratulations on the new book deal! I've just cast all my other WIPs aside and cannot knit enough socks right now, for anyone who will sit still long enough for me to measure their foot!

  47. Oh my gosh....75 socks. How big is your brain woman? You are incredible!
    Congrats on gainful employment and all that goes with it!

  48. Kathleen,

    I am SO proud of you!

    Warmest hugs,


    ps .. sign me up for the contest, please

  49. Wow. I will dream about the new book till it is out. I can just imagine the designs you will come up with--wait, no I can't, but I know they will all be amazing and beautiful and challenging and fun.

  50. Yay! Congrats! 75 patterns... WOW!

    Good luck, have fun and I can't wait to see it when it's all done. (I love sock books)

  51. I am seriously looking forward to your sock book!

  52. wonderful news and congratulations:)
    look forward to seeing the new book

  53. I love that you are writing a sock book, but when I read that you were writing a new book, my first thought was MYSTERY!
