Saturday, March 1, 2008

SKP2008- Jacobean Sock

Okay, so the deadline for the Sock Knitting Book is a killer- I need to work every single day on those socks (and the patterns, and the instructions, and the rest of the writing) in order to finish on time.

So what did I do today? I cast on a purely recreational sock. I joined the Sock Knitters Pentathalon- a worldwide competition tied to the Olympics, whereby members get yarn requirements 2 weeks before the start date, and then a sock pattern that has to be knit exactly as written. The first 3 knitters who finish the assigned pair are awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze awards. The rest of us continue behind, cheering, and hoping to finish within two months to avoid elimination.

There will be 5 patterns, sent out at 2-month intervals. The first arrived at midnight March 1. I didn't stay up for the e-mail, but I did download it this morning. And I did happen to buy my yarn a couple of weeks ago (Sunshine Yarns Superwash Merino Sock- Golden Snitch Colorway), and I did just happen to cast on and get a couple of inches knitted. This pattern is a lovely toe-up, textured design, with a short-row heel. It's relatively simple, though I imagine the patterns will become more complex as the competition continues.

I joined, in part, because I really want something I can show on the blog (since I can't post pics of the new sock designs for the book), but mostly because... well... it's 5 new sock patterns. I would not be in the running for a prize even if I wasn't supposed to be working instead- I'm a fast knitter, but there are people out there who knit at light speed. One very quick knitter already has a pair done, with a picture posted. But I feel reasonably certain that I can finish this pair before May 1, and still continue working on the book.

Reasonably certain...
If you're interested in Sunshine Yarns (and if you knit socks, you should be interested):

1 comment:

  1. That's a pretty sock--I really like the "gansey style" pattern. I have never knitted a toe-up sock. Do you like the short row heels? Do you add any additional heel reinforcement while you're knitting or once you've finished them?
