Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I love how this yarn came out- my Navajo 3-plying is slowly improving. My joins are getting better though I still have a tendency to crowd the plying at the joins, so there are often little *bunches* of twists in those spots. But overall, the yarn is smooth and even, and the color separation is nice. This yarn is Corriedale, so it's not quite as bouncy as BFL, and it's a tad heavier than the So Far Away yarn. This skein is 1.5 ozs and 82 yds, and I only have 3.5ozs of roving, so there isn't going to be enough yarn to make a pair of my usual socks when I get done (I need 250 yds of fingering weight yarn for a pair to fit my size 8 1/2 feet).

Now, I can knit a smaller pair of socks (lots of people on my gift-list with smaller feet). Or I could make socks with shorter cuffs. Or I could find (or dye) and spin some complimentary roving for ribbing, heels and toes (it would feel like cheating to use commercial yarn with the handspun). Or... and this is a revolutionary thought... I could not knit socks with it at all. I could make mittens. Or a hat. Or, well, something that doesn't cover feet. If I could remember how to knit anything but socks.

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