Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I am done knitting socks for the book (for the moment, at least), and since my granddaughter is visiting, I do my computer/text/writing work either early in the morning or late in the evening (until that last crunch, when it'll be nonstop). That leaves a large chunk of my day when I can theoretically knit whatever I want.

What I want to knit is some Twisted Fiberarts socks (despite this yarn's rarity, I've managed to acquire 7 skeins, and have 3 more coming), and I want to start 2 stranded sweaters for myself (Alice Starmore's Oregon in Knit Picks Palette- the new heathered colors work perfectly; and my handspun stranded sweater, which has a chart almost ready to go).

But what I am actually doing is finishing up 2 pairs of socks that I already started: the So Far Away socks (spun with roving from Yummy Yarns) which are almost 3/4 finished, and a pair of Colinette Jitterbug socks that have been on the needles since February; and an original stranded sweater that I began last November (before the book contract offer came through) which may end up being my first *for sale* pattern. I may not get the stranded sweater totally done, but I'm going to make some visible progress, and the socks will be finished before I even wind any more yarn.

Aren't you impressed with my steely resolve in the face of irrisistible yarn urges? I know I am. Or I would be if I wasn't going to blow knitting off altogether, and go swimming instead.


  1. Kathleen,

    LOVE the knitting below the sock today. What is it? Just lovely!

    Charlene Schurch

  2. Oh, wow...the stranded sweater looks stunning! I can't wait to see the rest.

  3. Charlene, that's the body of a sweater that I designed and am knitting with Rowan Scottish Tweed. I am almost done with the body (that's an old pic- it's another 6" longer now).

    Karen- thanks! I really love this pattern and hope the finished sweater comes close to the *vision* I had when I designed it.

  4. The sweater is beautiful. You don't need to bother with Alice Starmore. I may be your first customer. Joanna

  5. The sweater is absolutely a stunner. I can totally see the chart as a stranded cute grrl bag.

