Friday, August 8, 2008

Let the Games Begin

The official Ravelympics Opening Ceremonies are underway- I have between now and the closing ceremonies in Bejing to spin/design/knit a beaded lace scarf with Twisted Fiberarts Minstrel Puffy (100% Superfine Merino) roving. I don't plan to organize the colors or striping on this yarn, I'm just going to let it happen as it happens, and these colors should look marvelous no matter how they come out. Since I'm the co-captain of Team Twisted, it would behoove me to put in a good effort. I do have sort of a notion of the lace pattern, and I am itching to get to the wheel, but we're having company this weekend and my house is a shambles, so it'll be a few hours before I can sit down, and I may not get much done this weekend at all. But I have high hopes for completion. (and just for perspective on the global Ravelry Connections- 5651 Ravelry members from all around the world, have registered 16,210 projects to be completed during the Bejing Olympics. That's nothing short of amazing)

And just in case I need a break from spinning (yeah, right), I also entered a WIP event, which may help me to finish this original stranded sweater, destined for my wonderful daughter-in-law, in honor of her newly minted ED from USD. I couldn't say that earlier, because she reads the blog- but just in case she's checking in this morning, the sweater is now officially named Genevieve's Graduation. The fact that graduation was last week means that I need to get moving. The body is nearly done, so I just have the sleeves and front bands to go (and the neckline and the steeking and the finishing, and all that fiddly stuff). This is an original design (Rowan yarns), and I think I am going to offer this pattern for sale here at the blog, and on Ravelry (this is a first for me). If you're an experienced steeker, you might notice that I don't have any armhole steeks- I don't make them any more, I just cut through the patterning when the time comes (I reinforce with machine zig-zagging). That way I can adjust the position and size of the armholes up until the scissors hit the yarn. Exeprienced steekers will also notice that I didn't get the front motifs centered properly, but I'm not going to worry about that- there will be a decorative front band, and it won't show (much), and I'll adjust the pattern when it comes time to offer it for sale.

The Ravelympics will interfere with the rest of the Ianto (from Yummy Yarns), but I am thrilled with this yarn. I've never spun Finn before- it's bouncy and very soft, and these colors are fantastic- deep purples and blacks. And I got more than 100YPO! (220 yds in 1.9 ozs). This is half of the roving, and unless I finish both of the above projects quickly, I won't get back to this roving until after the Olympics.

So let the cleaning, and then the games, begin!


  1. Your daughter-in-law's sweater is beautiful! I do my armhole steeks in pattern now too--it's so much easier. And truly, I don't think anyone will notice the pattern discrepancy on the front--I didn't until you mentioned it.
    Looking forward to seeing the progress on your beaded lace scarf.

  2. Oy vey! You fear Clapoting, I fear steeking. But the sweater is stunning, and your daughter-in-law is one lucky woman. Also will be interested to see how the Ravelympics pans out -- I'm not participating this year, but will cheer mightily from the sidelines.
