Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mitered Square Pattern, and Variation Variation

For those who can't find it otherwise, here is the pattern for the Mitered Square Socks:

And here are the basic instructions for the Mitered Squares: http://kathleen-dakotadreams.blogspot.com/2008/09/basic-mitered-squares-instructions.html

My Twisted Yarn Leftover Mitered Square socks were made to the pattern, except that I used 30 sts on the sole and for the heel.

I cast on a pair of Aunt Helen Variation Variation socks- this yarn is some I've had for years, an old skein of Sockotta cotton/wool, in a colorway that is very likely discontinued. I love how the patterning shows with these short-length variegated yarns.

The Aunt Helen Variation Variation (named after the aunt of one of my knitting group friends- it's a variation on a variation- not a typo) is an easy texture, worked on any multiple of 4 sts:

Rnd 1: *YO, K 2, lift the YO up and over the 2 K sts, K 2*, rep around
Rnds 2-3: K
Rnd 4: *K 2, YO, K 2, lift the YO up and over the 2 K sts*, rep around
Rnds 5-6: K

It's a gorgeous day- 34 degrees but it feels like spring. I grew up in the mostly snowless Pacific Northwest, and there is enough Snohomish left in me, that I still, after 39 years here, love the snow. But I've had enough. I'm ready for spring. And even more, I'm ready for my pool to thaw out so I can swim.


  1. Thank you for relinking to the pattern - I couldn't find it either! It could have been the fact that my 3 1/2 year old was "helping" me :) I just need to finish two projects, then I can start these for me!


  2. Yes, thank you for the linky! :) Suzy

  3. I am looking forward to Spring also. But I think that we are going to get snow tomorrow. Although you couldn't tell from today's Beautiful weather!!!
