Wednesday, March 18, 2009

AI-Top 11 Elimination

Ryan warns us of a possible shocking elimination, though he thinks every elimination is shocking. Maybe he should watch the show sometime. Randy is wearing an arty scarf. Kara has her hair pulled up in a severe bun, and is wearing a black and white print top. Paula has straight hair, and is draped in gauzy mourning.

Trouble is the group sing. The guys begin arranged around the piano (so Scott doesn’t have to dance, I presume). Tonight, Fox (or Dish Network) is plagued by sound issues, so I don’t hear much of this song, and when the sound does come through, it’s tinny and thin. Allison looks so comfortable on the stage, and Danny is letting his inner dork out to dance.

We’re treated to another Idol Exclusive Moment during the commercial- we see a girl with long blonde hair and pink bangs. Her audition is okay, and I feel like I should know who she is.

The first ’09 Fordmercial is pretty low-tech: the kids throw water balloons at each other while singing a tune that may or may not be called Here it Goes Again (I’m old and I don’t listen to the radio, so the song is totally unfamiliar).

After last week’s elimination, Lil cried, Jasmine cried more, and Jorge reminded everyone that their time is coming.

I never know if Ryan’s pre-elimination chatter is significant, or if it’s just a time waster. Tonight he talks to Alexis, Michael and Megan (who is feeling better, though everyone wore masks during rehearsal, so she must still be contagious).

We start the elimination process with the easy ones- Danny is safe. Lil, in a weird green top with a flared hem and flared sleeves, is also safe. I wonder if Anoop will continue a tradition of being eliminated after a really good performance, but he’s safe too.

Allison, in a short vest over a print t-shirt, and Michael, wearing whatever style Michael usually wears, stand together. Paula predicts that Allison belongs in the Bottom 3, and she’s right (well, she's not right about Allison belonging there, just that she is). Allison makes her way to the newly repurposed Silver Suction Cups of Despair. Michael is relieved, but not for long, because Ryan informs him that he’s in The Bottom as well.

Brad Paisley takes the stage and sings something called Then, or perhaps Them. It’s a country song, it goes on for quite awhile, and then it ends.

Back to the eliminations, Scott stands and smiles because he’s smart enough to know that the show would never telegraph all of its punches this early in the hour.

Megan Joy (lordy, I wish she’d make up her mind about her name) tucked her chest safely away tonight. I figured she’d get at least another week to practice her awful dance moves. Unfortunately, I was right.

In short order, Matt and Kris are added to the tour roster, which leaves Alexis and Adam fighting it out for the final spot off the stools. As much as I would like to say goodbye to Adam (note to Adam- Simon and I get you just fine, I just don’t like you), I am pretty sure he's not going anywhere. Ryan asks Randy which of the two belongs in the Bottom 3, and he says Allison, which perfectly illustrates Randy’s usefulness.

Alexis joins Allison and Michael, and then Allison is given a reprieve. Allison is happy but a bit graceless in her celebration. On the other hand, Allison is graceless whenever she’s not actually singing, so it’s no real surprise.

We see some early footage of Carrie Underwood. You can feel The Show’s chest swell with pride over her unqualified success. Carrie has grown a great deal as a performer (no more Farmbot), and she’s totally gorgeous in a floaty red dress and stilettos. Even the tarantula affixed to her Big Hair Wig doesn’t detract from her beauty. I was so mesmerized by the hair adornment that I missed the title of the duet she’s singing with Randy Travis (if it isn’t I Told You So, it should be). It’s a pretty ballad, and Carrie’s soaring vocals do it justice. Randy plays guitar and grins, enjoying the performance as much as the rest of us. Their voices blend nicely, and this song will probably be a big hit for them.

Back to the elimination, Simon says that one of the Bottom Two (though of course, no one has said that Michael and Alexis are actually The Bottom Two, just that one of them is The Bottom One), might be worth saving, but I can guarantee that the judges are not going to spend their one and only immunity this early in the season, at least not on anyone not named Gokey, Rounds, or Lambert.

We flip to an amusing commercial with Carrie, and then it’s back to the task at hand. Michael and Alexis stand about three miles apart on the stage, but they hug when Michael is given his good news. Simon cruelly toys with Alexis, telling her that she could earn that immunity if she sings well enough. Alexis takes her passable version of Jolene, and messes it up by trying to add the edge that Kara requested last night. It’s not an improvement, but she never had a chance anyway, which Simon coldly confirms.

We then get some of Alexis’s previously unseen audition footage, in her pre-pink streak days, as Ryan informs us that next week, it’s Wednesday and Thursday, and Motown. Lil should sleep easier this week, at least.

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