Monday, March 9, 2009

Busy Busy

Sorry I've been quiet the last couple of days. In addition to fighting a cold (no fun being a snot factory), I have 2 wonderful grandchildren visiting, and I've been working on my class descriptions and samples for my SAFF classes in October. AND... the page proofs for The Big Book of Socks arrived and they need my immediate and undivided attention (good luck with that, Proof Pages). So things are just a tad hectic here.

But I'll check in as I can. It looks like I'll be teaching an All Day Fair Isle Class, 2 yarn dyeing classes, a short-row heel class, and a workshop on writing patterns for publication at SAFF. It's going to be an amazing experience for me (and I hope an interesting one for the students). I believe the class roster will be posted soon, and sign-ups start in April.

Oh yeah, and I finished the Aunt Helen Variation Variation cotton socks, but the picture didn't turn out well, so I'll scan them after they dry.


  1. Your Sock book looks phenomenal! From what I can see, you have something to offer for everyone. I can't wait to see the actual book.

    SAFF sounds like a blast, too. You really do sound busy. I wish NC was a little bit closer to me. :)

  2. I loooooove the SAFF! Lots & lots of fiber! I live in Hendersonville which is right next to Arden. I never miss it! I am looking forward to seeing you there!
