Friday, March 13, 2009

On the mend, and on the road

Today my knitting group meets in Aberdeen. I missed last month, and so haven't seen any of the ladies for awhile. I have some doll sweaters, the mitered square socks, the new Lion Brand sock, and my book cover to show off. I can't wait to see what everyone else has done. Finally, my cold seems to be getting better- I'm still snurfed but my head doesn't feel like someone blew it up like a balloon (wah wah wah- I don't get sick often, which means I whine even more over something little like a little trifling cold)(from which, as Mrs Bennet says, no one dies).
I lucked out, thanks to Mary (Procrastination Diary and Hugs for the Head- links to the right), and snagged some Twisted yarn in the latest update: Kabam (wool/bamboo) Terrain (lovely blues and browns), Cookie (a Subtle- mottled cream), and a hank of BFL roving in Talon, with a little bonus skein of blue subtle Arial thrown in (it's going in my bag of Arial subtles for a future Fair Isle project). I also managed to order a Kabam Valkyrie (one of my favorite colorways) with a Lightning (golds) coordinating skein. I had planned to work the Terrain with the Cookie in Mitered Squares, but the Cookie would be gorgeous as a lace sock on its own too. I'll have to wait and see what the yarn tells me (and there will be mitered squares in the future no matter what- it's a great leftover yarn project, and I already know how well the colorways blend together, and I love the soft sheen of the Kabam blend).

And I finished one of the Lion Brand yarn socks. I really love the patterning on this one, and am glad that I opted for plain Vanilla this time around- texture would have warred with the stripes.

Next up on the wheel: Girl on the Rocks, 4 ozs Finn wool. Unnamed colorway- but it's bright sherbet colors, blue, orange, pink green. I'll probably try to preserve the striping with Navajo 3-plying.
I'm still enthralled with the Librivox reading of Wilkie Collins's The Moonstone. I finally got past the Miss Clack chapters (I never adjusted to the strong accent of the reader, which not only felt wrong for the character, but was hard to understand. Many words were mispronounced, or pronounced with a very odd inflection. I had a hard time following her, and was quite relieved when the story was handed back to the other readers). We're winding down to the end now, and I still marvel at the wonderful story. If you have not read this book- do. It's amazing.


  1. Miz Kathy, oooh lala LOVING the colors. Glad to hear you are on the mend and hope you have fun with the Aberdeen gals and lastly thanks so much again for the Barbie magnetic sheets.
    Jan H (MA)

  2. I think everyone who reads The Moonstone is happy to get through with Miss Clack. Although we all know her or someone very like, unfortunately.

  3. This was on my English list in, I think, grade 9. I loved it. After this I ready the Lady in White. The first REAL mystery story I had ever read. recently I bought myself another copy. Can't beat the classics
