Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sisterhood of the Traveling Publicity Machine

The Traveling Shawl arrived yesterday, and since then, I've been in a kind of whirlwhind of publicity, and publicity arrangements (not to mention some nasty storms in between, and a 100 mile road trip). I taped a TV spot this morning (for the locals: it will air on KSFY, possibly at 6:00 tonight, though that depends on whether anything actually interesting happens in the interim, in which case the story will be bumped. If that happens, check tomorrow), and did an interview with the Aberdeen American News (not sure when the story will come out- I'll get back to you all on that), and I have one more newspaper interview to do, possibly this afternoon.

The shawl is amazing, and the journal that travels along with the shawl, is even more amazing, filled with stories from each of the knitters- tales of their own battles with cancer, with stories of the survival of friends, relatives, and neighbors, and stories of those who lost their battles. Reading it is a deeply moving experience. I'll add my bit tomorrow, after I finish knitting my rows, and just before I get the shawl packed up for the next knitter. I am #46, so the shawl is nearing the end of its journey.

I'll report more fully on the shawl, and this heart touching/warming/piercing project, with pictures, tomorrow. I may also know, by then, if I said anything really stupid on camera- I never remember what I say to microphones afterward. We'll keep our fingers crossed that I was at least coherent.

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