Sunday, December 27, 2009

Digging Out

The worst of the storm is over, and now the work begins.

My husband knows people...

The eagle-eyed among you will note that not only is The Hub in shirtsleeves, but he's wearing neither hat nor gloves. The cabs of these suckers are warm. And they have music. And probably a beer fridge.

Not everything needs to be plowed.
Remember this? and this? This is what it looks like this morning:

Indeed, much of the cleanup cannot be done with the heavy equipment. The front steps, for example, with their 3' of snow covering, will have to be dug out by hand. And this drift:
will disappear, eventually, on its own.


  1. What a storm!! The pictures are amazing. So, do you miss Camarillo? It has been in the 60s here--I know, don't rub it in! Glad you had a nice celebration with your son before the storm.

  2. I'm hoping to get back to Camarillo in March or April, and yes, I do miss that lovely weather

  3. Great snow pictures. I love to look at it (snow), but not shovel it!

  4. Beautiful pictures, so glad you were able to get around and take these.

  5. I know some people who would move to the country just for the joy of driving one of those things after every snow ;^)

  6. I am so glad that the strom is over!!!!

  7. I don't know whether to thank you or not for the weather you are sending my way. I used to watch the forecasts for both Sioux Falls and Omaha because I had family living there, but now that they are gone I haven't been doing that. BUT when I read your blog I get a glimpse of what we will be having in 2-3 days. Just listened to the forcast for Rochester NY and we will be having high winds, lake effect snow and VERY cold (for us) temps. I love the snow pics as long as I don't have to shovel or drive in it.
