Friday, April 2, 2010

SAFF and NCFF and Pure Evil

Woohoo! I'm going back to Asheville (well, actually Fletcher), North Carolina in October! The folks at SAFF (Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair) have invited me to teach workshops again, and I am absolutely thrilled! Last year's visit was my first to North Carolina, and this year's will be my 3rd (I went again in January, to teach classes for the wonderful Barbara and her friends, remember).  It's being held from Friday October 22-Sunday October 24, 2010.

 I'll be teaching 2 old classes: Fair Isle in a Day (an all-day intro to Fair Isle knitting, where students learn the basics of colorwork and chart reading while knitting a child-sized hat), and a 2-hour talk on Writing Patterns for Publication; and 2 new classes: Fair Isle Design in a Day (an all-day class where we work on design in the morning, and then in the afternoon, the students begin knitting their own original hats from the charts they designed), and a 2-hour class of Knitting Tips and Tricks, where we'll play with new and old time-saving techniques (putting beads into your knitting with wire, knitting back backwards for heels and bobbles, and other fun things).

The workshop schedule is still being finalized, and it'll be posted on the website soon. Class signup won't be open until June, but you'll have plenty of time to look things over before registering. As with last year, my only regret is that I won't be able to take any of the wonderful classes. I hope to see old friends, and make many more new ones there.

And though the schedule hasn't been posted yet, I'm teaching the same classes at NCFF (North Country Fiber Fair) in Watertown, SD, from Friday September 17- Sunday September 19. This is my local fiber festival, and I've taught classes there every year since '02. This is my first time teaching on all 3 days, and I'm excited to spend more time with everyone.

And my friend Ann, who is a Genteel Southern Lady, and as evil as they come, sent this link. Beware- it involves Peeps and chocolate bunnies.


  1. Wow! Looks delicious! I love peeps and chocolate so why not combine the two!

  2. Ooh I can't wait to NCFF, it's the same distance for me to head up to Watertown as it is for me to go to the Iowa Sheep and Wool Festival. I so want to take your fair isle class.
