Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Don't Worry, Bee Happy

If you don't have bees, make some...

4- 1 1/2" strips sewn together, alternating black and yellow

3 1/2" wide blocks for bee bodies

1 1/2" squares of background fabric. Folded in half and pressed.

Blocks sewn to the corners, blocks trimmed, bee body block pressed

It took a bit to get the wing design down- I tried several versions before settling on this one. Wing paper pattern, wings drawn on fabric and sewn, wings trimmed, wings turned and pressed, wings sewn on block, wings pressed up to show what they'll look like on the finished pillowcase.

Bee band assembled and sewn to pillowcase body.

Assembled pillowcase. Lots of fiddly stuff, then 3 seams, and finished. Cute, no?

P.S. Even not-so-astute viewers will notice that straight isn't exactly straight in my sewing...

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