Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Biltmore Rooftop Tour

If you ever get to the Biltmore Estate- take the Rooftop Tour. That's an order.

See that flag up there? Waaaay up there? That's where you get to stand if you take the Rooftop tour.

Gargoyles have butts. Who knew?

It's a looong way down.

Biltmore Roofs are very pointy.

Biltmore stone is very carvy.

George Vanderbilt was very fond of his own initials (which were originally gilded with gold leaf)
and sisters who haven't seen each other in 14 years are very happy to be together in this beautiful place. How beautiful is it?

This beautiful.


  1. I would probably throw up if I were up there. Or, at the very least, faint.

  2. I wouldn't throw up, but I would definitely get sweaty palms, and then I would look for the tea room. It does have a tea room, right? 'Cos that place is crying out for jam and scones!
