Monday, October 18, 2010


While the salsa bubbles on the stove down in the kitchen (yes, we're still harvesting tomatoes, and I had some that wouldn't last a week until my return), I thought I'd post a few links for your amusement and edification.

In the Shameless Bragging Section, my son, the writer and artist, has opened his own web store. Right now, he's selling his original embossed and printed note cards, but he'll be adding more stationery items soon. One of the embossed designs is a ball of yarn and knitting needles, inspired by you know who. I'm especially fond of the robot series cards. (I'd show some of the cards, but I want you to go and look for yourselves...)

And my friend Mary (here, and here) has two(!!!) designs in the new Interweave Knits Holiday Gifts 2010! I am so happy for her! Scroll down to the Bohus Inspired Hat, and the Blooming Stole.  Oh, and go buy the magazine.

In the Non-Shilling Category, Video Division, here's the world's smallest animation, filmed through a microscope. It has knitting needles, but it looks more like weaving to me. It's cool regardless.

And this one is a commercial, but I dare you not to smile anyway.

And finally, because I am Evil (Evil, I tell you), here's William Shatner singing Rocket Man.

Okay, I need to get back to the salsa, and my packing.


  1. I looked at the preview of the Interweave Holiday issue, and noticed your friend's designs. Actually, I only noticed one of them. But TWO! Congratulations to her.

  2. As the happy owner of some of Curtis' embossed yarn note cards, I second the recommendation to visit his store. The cards are good quality and value, his service was speedy and he included a personal note of thanks.
    No, I am not related in any way to Kathi or Curtis, just someone who likes well-made items.
