Saturday, October 9, 2010

No Susie, Thank you!

My friend Susie is an artist. I have several of her pieces prominently (and permanently) displayed in my home.
This glorious bird was made from a felted sweater, then embroidered and embellished in typical Susie fashion.

This woodburned and painted heart is officially a Christmas decoration, but it stays up in my kitchen, year round.

Unfortunately, Susie has had a particularly difficult year. But despite that, she took the time to make something absolutely and totally amazing for me, as a thank you for a very small favor.

Do you recognize the building? If not, take a peek at the blog header.

Amazing, no?
She even decorated the gift bag to match.

The rest of the hand painted, wood-burned bracelet is beautiful as well- all views of my back yard!

I am touched, and deeply honored to have (and wear) this beautiful piece of art. Thank you so much, Susie!

As I mentioned, Susie is an artist. She doesn't make things to order (as in, you can't ask her to paint a pink kitty bracelet, or a purple paisley heart), but she may be interested in an intrigueing commission, as long as the commissioner understands that the only reason that there is any blue in my bracelet is because she couldn't make the sky red (black, white and red are her signature colors). If you want to contact Susie personally with a request, or a notion, e-mail me and I'll give you her contact info.


  1. Very nice, she captured the essence of that building.

  2. That is a lovely gift. I recognised the building right away.

  3. Followed you over from DorothyL and what a surprise to meet another knitter! See what a blog can do? Sure wish you had a follower list. I'd click and follow.
