Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday Tab- Whitman Trixie Belden Part 1

Paper Doll Friend Lorie is sharing her cut Whitman Trixie Belden set. I was more of a Nancy Drew girl, but I read a few of the 38 Trixie Belden Mysteries which were published between 1948 and 1986. This set, with Trixie, Honey, Mart, and Jim, has 15 scanned pages, so I'm going to post half today, and the rest next week. I don't see the date, but by the style of the clothes, I'd guess early 60's.

As always, thanks Lorie!

Edited to add, for those who don't read the comments: Lorie says that the date on this book is 1958 (I was close). She also says that there is a Trixie Belden Fan Club, where there are some paper dolls posted for downloading, plus a lot of other info. Thanks again Lorie!


  1. I looked on the cover of my set and the date is 1958. Sorry it did not show in the scans. It is a large book.
    Random House has a fan club website where you can learn more about the books and download some free paper dolls. Here is the link:

  2. Thanks for the date- and not to worry about large scans. I'm thrilled to be able to share your collection! I'll add both bits of info to the post, in case people don't see it here.

  3. I read Nancy and Trixie, and loved Trixie best. My granddaughter is obsessed with Trixie. She will be pleased to see this.

  4. Oh, those are too cool! I loved Trixie so much more than I did Nancy.

  5. I read every Trixie book that was available in the public library. Brings back good memories. Glad I found your blog.

  6. Hey! They really look extra cool! I'm going to look up this book in Barnes & Nobles.

  7. Gosh I loved the scans of the paper dolls! I loved Trixie Belden book back in the 70's growing up! Brings back many fond memories! Thanks! Elaine
