Thursday, October 25, 2012

In Asheville

I don't have any pics today, but I'm here in North Carolina. It was a long day- this morning's first flight was interesting... with the kind of turbulence where the plane drops in the sky. It didn't drop a lot, and we were never in real danger, but still, it's the first time I've been on a plane when that happened. It's unsettling. We landed at MSP at 7:55, and my connecting flight was supposed to start boarding at 8:20. If you know MSP, you know what that means (it means a mad dash from the furthest reaches of the airport). I made it to my gate with 1 minute to spare (not 1 minute before takeoff, 1 minute before boarding started). The rest of my flights were routine- I made it to Asheville in good time, took a taxi to the motel, ordered pizza out, and now will hunker down and relax.

Tomorrow, the festivities begin! Woohoo!

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