Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Taunton's new Threads Selects Booklets!

I posted a teaser pic yesterday, but here's the scoop: The first line of Taunton's new Threads Selects booklets will hit the stands November 27! Copies of the first 4 from my books arrived yesterday, hot off the press, and I could not be more excited!

The new booklets are 8 1/2" x 11", and each features 5-9 previously-published projects, concentrating on a single technique or style. They're aimed at knitters who want to try new things, but who are maybe not ready to commit to an entire book of patterns. Each of these booklets has a new ISBN number and cover, and they'll all be available for pre-order from Taunton directly, or from Amazon (and I assume other venues) very soon.

Eventually, Taunton plans to publish 8 booklets of my projects, including 2 from I Heart Felt, which is exciting since that book sort of fell through the cracks. I'm glad its getting another chance to be noticed.

As always with Taunton, the quality of the booklets is excellent- good, sturdy, glossy covers, and full color pictures and charts inside. I'm very proud to be a part of this new venture. When I have them, I'll post links to each booklet, but in the meantime, here they are:
Colorwork Socks- 7 Patterns to Knit (from The Big Book of Socks)

 Fair Isle Flower Garden- 5 Gorgeous Knits for Children  (from Fearless Fair Isle Knitting)

 Fair Isle Hats, Scarves, Mittens & Gloves- 7 Stunning Patterns to Knit (from Fearless Fair Isle Knitting)

 Lace Socks- 9 Lovely Patterns to Knit (from The Big Book of Socks)

 Not very often in a writer's career do you get to see four new books for the first time, all on the same day.
A little celebration was in order.


  1. A little celebration is indeed in order! Congratulations!!!

  2. congratulations, that is so cool! and I´m already in love with the little girl´s fair-isle dress on the cover there. I have never seen any of your books up here. I only have the one you sent me once as a prize in a blogcontest.
    best wishes from Iceland

  3. ok - now I really like you!

    you celebrate IN STYLE! that is my favorite champagne (I even froze some local raspberries this summer to have over the holidays in this bubbly) ~ I might have to get a bottle of my own to celebrate your new booklets ;)


  4. oh Kathi - these are just gorgeous!!!
