Saturday, January 19, 2013

More trip pics

Did you know that if you've had one serious case of bronchitis, that you're susceptible to recurrences? I know that now.

But I think I'm on the mend, and I'm easing myself back into every-day stuff, like posting more of our Cannon Beach trip pictures. Aren't you happy???

Some of our favorite haunts were closed for off-season renovations (like the bakery- oh no!), but we were still able to visit a few of our favorites, like this market.

Which has benches outside for political discussions...
They're probably not far enough apart.
This fence (on a residence) blows me away.
This is a gallery- I love the weathered look (maybe it's on purpose, or maybe it really is just an old building, either way, I love it).
Our younger son's favorite shop, and his belated Christmas present.
These buildings are new and right across the street from our motel. Insomnia coffee made the best mocha latte I've ever had.
The Hub, standing on our front porch.
A smart birdie who knew if he stood there and looked at us pitifully, we'd pass french fries out to him.
Down on the beach.

And one last view of Haystack. In twenty-six years, I have never left Cannon Beach thinking that I'd spent enough time there.

1 comment:

  1. Such a lovely place. My father climbed Haystack Rock many times when he was young.... back in the days when climbing was still allowed.
