Monday, August 5, 2013

Cruise- Nassau Arrival

I was up early on our first land day, in Nassau. Actually, I was up early every day, but I was up and out on the deck in time to see our landing in Nassau. I don't think the thermometer ever got over 88 degrees, but man, it was the hottest 88 degrees of my life. The air is very very thick and wet, and that sun blazes.

We watched Nassau on our approach, but as we got closer, we could see how beautiful the city is.

I think this is a resort complex.

The Atlantic is cobalt blue, but the Caribbean is turquoise. Beautiful, beautiful turquoise.

The cruise ships were guided in and parallel parked in slips.

Little tugs led each ship in.

There were several cruise ships docked on our land day. We were far from the biggest. Cruisers found each other endlessly fascinating.

The seagulls have black heads in Nassau.

But they haunt the decks for stray food, just like any other seagull.

 DeeAnn and I- selfie-ing in the heat. We were very glad to have brought our hats. Throughout the day, we elbowed each other often, still amazed that we were actually doing this thing, walking around in a foreign country. Up until that morning, my only ventures out of the US had been a couple of day trips into Canada, back when you didn't need passports. It was a pretty heady notion.

On the dock, people lined up for planned (and paid) excursions. Taxi drivers constantly asked if we wanted rides. We maybe should have taken them up on that (about which, more later). We decided well before we left, not to do any of the excursions. We wanted just to wander and shop, and to leave the option of going back to the ship early because of the heat. That was wise.

Photographers were stationed outside the boat too- this one is a picture of a picture. I didn't know, until I got home, what a Junkanoo was. Now I know. 

Next up- what we did in Nassau.

Oops, I forgot that I took a video as we came in to port.

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