Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Heading out again

We leave tomorrow for the Black Hills Fiber Arts Fair, a new festival being held in Rapid City, SD. I'm excited to be teaching four classes- two apiece on Friday and Saturday. This isn't exactly a local fair, but still, I'll be seeing plenty of familiar faces, and I'll be meeting new folks. All good.

There is still room in some of my classes (Little Tips and Knitting Tricks, Writing Patterns for Publication, Fair Isle Nordic Christmas Stocking, Fair Isle Toddler Hat), and signups are allowed on-site. There are lots of other classes as well, and vendors. Stop out and see us!

Tomorrow is a travel day. I imagine we'll stop at Wall Drug, as usual. The Hub is driving, and he'll be on his own (with a list of errands from his friends) while I teach. We likely won't go to Mt. Rushmore or Crazy Horse- both are further from Rapid than most folks imagine (at least an hour drive), or Deadwood (at least an hour the other way). But I think we'll drive through The Badlands on our way home Sunday. It has been many years since we took that route, and I'm looking forward to it.

I will have my travel computer with me, and internet access throughout, so I will probably do a blog post or two from the road (though not on Friday- I teach from 10am-8pm, and I'm apt to collapse by the time I get done).

As for the American Idol elimination episode tomorrow night- it depends. If we're in our motel room in time enough to see it, I'll live-blog. If not, I won't. It all depends.

So, now off to pack...

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