Saturday, February 28, 2015

Yeah, still quilting

I'm going to ride this wave for as long as it lasts. Come Christmas, I'll have most of my list done already!

Here are a couple more (and I have 4 finished tops waiting to be quilted). I am finally getting the hang of the free-motion quilting: my bobbin tension is okay (I slowed down and took smaller stitches on the curves), and I've settled on stippling as *my* style.

These two are scrap quilts.

The pinwheels from this one were assembled from the Tranquility cut-offs and extra jelly roll strips. I had the pinwheels done a long time ago, so putting the rest of the top together took a single afternoon. I just let the pieces line up with random colors, alternating larger and smaller pinwheel blocks. I think it's every bit as cool as any planned quilt.

And this one was put together with all scrap fabrics, using the Dresden Plate template. I think it'll be sandwiched and quilted next.

Whereas many of the quilts have  been strip-pieced, this one took a bit longer, with every single triangle sewn separately. My friend DeeAnn thinks it looks like nautical flags. If so, there are some pirates nearby...

I think it's very retro-looking.

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