Thursday, October 11, 2007

Thursday Tab- Saalfield 1736 Fashions for the Modern Miss, 1957

I played with this set as a child. I remember it being at my grandmother's house (so maybe it belonged to a cousin). I remember loving the mix-n-match outfits and how glamorous the dolls were. I still feel that way. This is Saalfield Fashions for the Modern Miss. My book is numbered 1736, but my reference book has the original issue numbered 2766. It was originally published in 1957, but it was likely reprinted for awhile, and I think I played with it in the early 60's.
The 4 dolls are quite chic- Rita and Ann on the front cover with their sheath dresses, and Sue and Pam on the back in shorts.
What's nice is that Rita and Sue can wear the same clothes. Ditto with Ann and Pam.
As always, click on the individual pages to enlarge, and then right click on each to save as a jpg. Print in any graphics program, covers on card stock, clothes on plain paper.


  1. Thank you so much for posting these dolls! I have rediscovered my paper dolls and I too loved this set. I only had a few of the outfits,so I am looking forward to printing these out to complete my set!!!! I remember playig with these in the mid 60's. I was born in 1960 so you are right. They must have been reprinted for several years.

    Manassas, Virginia

  2. I have been looking for these paper dolls for years! I couldn't remember the title of them but I did remember the dolls names. Ann, Pam, Sue and Rita. My best friend and I back in the late '50s, played with these. They belonged to her and she always got to play with Ann who was my favorite! I never got to play with Ann.(My friend could be very selfish)LOL But I loved these girls! I am so glad that I found them again! Thanks!

  3. I had these and adored them. Now they will be seen and preserved in a children plaything museum in Reykjavik.
    Makes me so proud.

  4. I loved these. My mother gave them to me as the majority of my 60 or so papaerdolls. Loved the stylish clothes these had. As an only child I could and would play with all of them dress them for various occasions and etc.
    Now they will be a part of a children plaything museum here in Reykjavík Iceland along with my other paper dolls.
    Makes me really proud.

  5. I loved these. My mother gave them to me as the majority of my 60 or so papaerdolls. Loved the stylish clothes these had. As an only child I could and would play with all of them dress them for various occasions and etc.
    Now they will be a part of a children plaything museum here in Reykjavík Iceland along with my other paper dolls.
    Makes me really proud.
