Sunday, April 27, 2008

Drop Spindle Fever

I don't drop spin very often, but every once in awhile, a spindle will jump out and beg to come home with me. A couple of days ago, I clicked on a Ravelry Ad link to Butterflygirl Designs on Etsy, and was instantly smitten, not only with her yummy fiber, but with her fantastic spindles. She has amazing polyclay spindles, shell spindles, carved resin spindles, stone spindles, and millefiori glass spindles. I left her etsy store without buying anything that day. And then I looked again yesterday morning. And last night. And again this morning.

Though I'm a total amateur, I did lampwork for awhile and the laceweight millefiori glass spindles spoke to me in a way that I could not resist. I bought this spindle-1.5" glass whorl, 10" shaft, .6 ozs, with a sterling hook. It's a top whorl and should spin like a tornado. And most amazing of all? It was just $17! And of course a new spindle needs new fiber- Butterflygirl's batts are gorgeous, and it took me a bit to decide on Riot- 3 oz blend of bamboo/sari silk/firestar. I intend to spin a 2-ply laceweight yarn for a scarf (3 ozs might be enough for a small shawl, but my yarn is never as light or fine as I'd like, so a scarf it will probably be). The fiber was $18. (these pics are from Butterflygirl Design's Etsy shop- the actual items should be here by the end of the week, and I'll take new pics then).

There is more Riot listed, and there are many other gorgeous fiber bundles and batts available, and equally gorgeous millefiori, and other style, spindles in Butterflygirl Designs's Etsy store. Go here:

1 comment:

  1. I just HAD to check out her website after seeing the incredible fiber that you ordered. I SO want to learn to spin, and I'm thinking of starting with some sort of drop spindle since a spinning wheel is WAY more expensive than I can handle right now, LOL! I'm almost afraid to start because I my get as addicted as I am to knitting!
