Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thursday Tab- Toni's Pop Doll Dressing Book- 1966

I know absolutely nothing about this book except that it's English. The cover says Toni's Pop Doll Dressing Book, and it's a Bancroft Activity Book. Beyond that, besides the date, it's a total mystery. But it's a very cool mystery- a very well drawn period paper doll book. My guess is that Toni would have been quite at home hanging out with The Beatles.
In real life, she'd be falling over in that posture.
Click on images to enlarge, right click to save as jpgs, print from any graphics program, clothes on plain paper, covers on card stock.


  1. Goodness, this is my favorite one yet! London Mod. Fab!!!!

  2. Thanks Kathi! I think I had that red bathing suit...
    These are so mod - groovy indeed.
    Jan H

  3. Thank you,

    I actually owned a copy of this doll.
    There were three more in the series too. I loved them a lot then.

    Medford, MA
