Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thursday Tab- The Adventures of Gilda Gackle

This is an original paper doll that I designed in the late 90's, for a group of mystery readers. She started out as an in-joke, and some of the accessories in the outfits are also in-jokes (which I am not going to try to explain, because, like most in-jokes, they don't make sense outside the moment)(oh... okay, I'll explain one: the upside down teacup came from an interesting picture of David Duchovny that I found on the net, and accidentally forwarded to many unsuspecting people who were not, perhaps, quite so fascinated with young Mr D as I was). Gilda's existence sprang from a mispronunciation, but she became her own character in a series of books, movies, and TV shows, and she even made an appearance at the '99 World Mystery Convention (Bouchercon).

I had a lot of fun drawing these paper dolls (all digitally- no pencils were sharpened in the creation of this set), and the cultural references were a hoot.

Click to enlarge, right click to save as jpgs, print from any graphics program, clothes on plain paper, doll on card stock.


  1. Those are wonderful!! You have such a good eye.

  2. What fun! I love the variety of movie and tv refs along with the mystery and writer-y ones. Thanks for sharing this.

  3. Very "Poe-ish"; great for Halloween!

  4. Too cute for words. One thing I love is a good Gackle.

  5. Gilda Gackle! I remember her well - she was a hoot then and she is now, and she translates oh so well ;^)

  6. I love the grackle! I've saved it for my granddaughters to print out and play with.
