Wednesday, January 7, 2009

It never gets old

It gives me a thrill to see my designs and patterns worked up by other knitters. Though I have yet to spot any of my designs in the wild, I see pictures online all the time (confession: I check Ravelry for projects worked from my designs, and love seeing every single one of them). I had another little jolt of fun this morning as I thumbed through the latest Knit Picks catalog, where they featured 2 designs from I Heart Felt- the Child Size Gingham Vest, and the Grazing Sheep Bag. Both look wonderful! (and if you're tempted to buy the book, I doubt you'll get a better bargain).

I'm still hip-deep in copy edits (the charts and illustrations came this morning... why don't I work in road construction or something less complicated?) but I had time to get past the heel of the Aunt Helen Variation Variation mate (and I can't wait to go to my monthly knitting group on Friday, to show these to Aunt Helen's niece Laura).

(and I learned well from yesterday- I've copy/pasted this from WORD, so if Blogger glitches, all is not lost).


  1. I heart heart heart the Grazing Sheep Bag. I saw it in the KP catalog this week, and knew I HAD to have that book, as I HAD to have that bag. It's beautiful - you're such a talented designer (gush, gush).

  2. Yep. Sheepy bag = buy book...
    Love it!
