Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Snowin' and Blowin'

It's nasty out there campers- for about the 8th time this winter, we're in a blizzard. This one could produce up to 8" of snow, but that's not the problem- the problem is the wind, combined with the highly mobile snow. The upside of this little weather interlude is that my grandkids, who have been visiting, and who were to be ferried halfway home tonight, will stay at least one day longer! So, Wahoo for snow!

I've been playing a lot of Sorry and Operation and Clue, and watching movies (Wall-E is a sweet movie, but not quite as wonderful as all the hype, though the short-short Presto is pure genius, and Beverly Hills Chihuahua is slightly better than I expected),but I still managed to finish the Sockotta cotton/wool Aunt Helen Variation Variation socks (the scan shows the colors much better than the picture I took yesterday). I cast on another pair from Red Heart Heart & Sole yarn (not a soft yarn, but no harsher than Opal). I'm doing something I haven't done in months- I'm just knitting these socks. This self-patterning yarn is too busy for any of the textures I've been playing with lately, so Stockinette Stitch it is. And you know what? Stockinette is a whole lot faster to knit. Who knew?

Since I'll be here all day (not even setting foot outside if I can help it), I'll be around for the usual AI recap. But if the weather does clear, we'll be delivering children tomorrow night and I'll miss the Elimination show. I'll keep all y'all posted.

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