Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Field Report

Every summer, I think, along about August, that I should have taken a picture each week, of the field in front of our house. This year, I'm actually going to do it. Dustin, who farms that land, plants soybeans and corn in alternate years. If he follows true to form, this will be a corn year. We'll know by next week, when whatever he planted on Thursday sprouts. I'll take a pic every Thursday and post it on Friday (or thereabouts) for the two people who might actually be interested in seeing corn grow. Oh. Just me?

Side note- you can't see it in this picture, but just to the left of the Crab Apple tree, up along the highway, is one of the few remaining functional drive-in theaters. We rarely go to it (my interest in sweltering while being devoured by mosquitoes, surrounded by squealing teens who are torn between getting drunk or making out- or sloppily attempting both- while trying to watch 3rd run movies, is surprisingly low). But it's fun that the place is still open and hopping.

Anyway, corn (or soybean) pics every week. Watch for them.

On the hook and needle front: I finished The Crochet Project That Cannot Yet Be Named, so I'm back to sewing and knitting again, though school is out now, and one granddaughter will begin her summer long-visits, and 2 other grands will visit for a week fairly soon, so mostly I'll be playing Gramma and loving every minute (not to mention a vacation to the west coast this summer too, and The Sock Summit!!!)

On the quilting front, I bought the book On A Roll, from Anka's Treasures ( which has some great patterns for Jelly Roll strips, that I want to try immediately. And Fons and Porter's Love of Quilting May/June issue's Daisy Doodle quilt is calling me. So much so, that I bought a fusible bias tape maker. I will probably make a baby quilt, just to practice the block assembly method, which looks very interesting. I'll keep you posted.


  1. I guess I am one of the two. Great idea about the field pictures.

  2. I guess I am the other one of the two. Watching corn grow sounds interesting. At first It will be growing fast than it will slow.

  3. Hey, the field could be quite interesting! So count me as a third.

  4. From Iowa stock here, so corn and beans are a fave. Love your column. Thank you. I eagerly await the weekly photos!!!

  5. Hey, make that 5! I love fields and corn and country things. Lovely picture and I really enjoyed your blog. Today is my first visit but I will return often.

  6. Look forward to the pictures. One year my Father grew corn in our San Francisco back yard. It was a lot of fun.

  7. My husband's adage for corn is "knee-high by the fourth of July". Sorry, he has no gauge for soybeans.
