Sunday, May 24, 2009

Oh my lordy...

Check out the web counter on the lower right of the page.

I am astonished and delighted and humbled. Thank you all for checking in, and for coming back, even when I ramble interminably on odd tangents.

As soon as I can figure out some good prizes (which may have to wait until the sock book comes out- everyone already has the other ones), we'll have a real celebration.


  1. A quarter of a million visits! How cool is that?! See, if you DO start a podcast you will already have a loyal fan base. ;-)

  2. I still can't believe you knit all those socks in that book so fast. I mean, I do believe it -- in the sense that I think you're truthful -- but I do not believe it in the "How on earth does she do it?" way. But now that I've witnessed the quilting epic. . . I see what you can do! You've probably single-handedly rescued several small quilting stores from financial jeopardy as we get excited along with you :)

    Elizabeth D

  3. Congratulations on the milestone, Kathleen. I know your blog is one of my favorites. I love both of your felting books - the projects are great and the information is superb!

  4. Congratulations! I have added my share of hits. I have both of your felting books and am looking forward to the sock book. Thanks for the ideas, patterns, and inspriration!
