Friday, April 2, 2010

Purely in the name of science

... and for the good of mankind. I did it, so you don't have to.

Project Note #1: It takes about 9 seconds for a Peep to go splodey in the microwave
Project Note #2: Splodey Peeps melt faster than Chocolate Bunny torsos
Project Note #3: Breaking the chocolate into smaller pieces results in a neater S'meep, even though it's not quite as much fun as cramming the Peep into the chocolate.
Project Note #4: This stuff is sticky.
Project Note #5: yummmmmmmm.omigod.... yummmmm
Project Note #6: Are you happy now, EA?


  1. That is 100% fabulous...and your name is the best part! :)

  2. That looks so cruel and delicious!
