Monday, October 11, 2010

Horseshoe Sock

I haven't done much knitting lately- partly because I've been working obsessively on the hooked chair cushion, partly because I sliced the bejabbers out of my thumb a week ago (in a particularly stupid way, which makes the injury even worse) and knitting was actually painful for awhile (not to mention all that blood), and partly because of SAFF prep. But I did find time to finish one Horseshoe Lace sock adaptation.
The lace was featured in the Summer '10 issue of Spin-Off, in a hat pattern, which I used to knit 4 hats. Evidently, that wasn't enough to make me tired of the 10 st repeat, since I plugged the lace into my generic sock pattern. This yarn was hand-dyed, and I bought it in a yarn store in Snohomish on one of my trips. It's a wool/bamboo blend, and totally lovely (though I still can't get the colors to scan/photo properly- it's more pastel purple and green, not brownish/greenish/gold).

The lace pattern originally came from one of the Barbara Walker treasuries (before it was plugged into the hat pattern), and the Spin-Off instructions weren't charted. So for my own convenience, I charted it. It took me awhile to warm up to lace and cable charts, but I wouldn't knit complex patterns without them now.
This chart is written for knitting in the round- if you're going to use it for back-and-forth knitting, On the odd rows: K the P sts, and P the K sts, and work from left to right.

I have the mate cast on, and I'll probably work on it steadily now that my thumb is healing and I'm nearly ready for SAFF (and I have no more Monk's cloth to use for another chair cushion).


  1. so, so pretty! And I bet they will be super cosy to wear - I'm always amazed how well lace can hold in the heat :^)
