Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wordish Tuesday

I didn't develop a sudden reluctance to use words (indeed, that would be rather odd, even if I wasn't a writer), but it seemed to me that Saturday's and Sunday's needlefelted ornaments didn't need words- the pictures said everything that needed to be said. And for those who don't know anything about needlefelting but would like to learn, how, here's a tutorial on the basics (which doesn't need very many words either).

At any rate, I'm back to typing (and writing- I am starting the 2nd draft of the MG Fantasy today. Oh- I'd been calling it a YA, but actually it's Mid-Grade, skewed to a slightly younger audience, though grownups have been enjoying it too. Hence the abbreviation change). The rewrite will take time, but it's not anything drastic, and I am thrilled to be one step closer to having this puppy ready for submission.

And I'm back to using words here.
 I finished  the "Mexiko" socks, which are a replacement for the missing sock from the first pair of self-patterning socks I ever knit. I'm hanging on to the single- maybe some day the mate will magically reappear.
 I wore them already.

 And I started a pair of leftover socks- nothing makes me feel quite so virtuous as knitting a cool pair of socks from bits and pieces of extra yarns. I feel like I'm getting something for nothing. As you can see, I'm not a two-at-a-time-on-the-same-needles person.  I seem to move along just as quickly with separate sets pf dpns.

While it was cold and nasty (and by cold, I mean below zero F temps, without the wind) over the weekend,  the storms that hit the rest of the country mostly bypassed us. We won't crow in triumph. Our day is coming.

1 comment:

  1. Oh cool! I am a 2-at-a-time on separate needles kinda woman too! But I use magic loop instead of DPNs. Don't know that I actually finish a pair any faster but it SEEMS faster and that's what matters to me.

    As always, you inspire me to try to blog more. Thanks for always sharing!
