Monday, March 19, 2012

It's a crazy mixed-up world

Yesterday, it snowed in Snohomish, WA- my home town, where snow used to be a rare and wonderful thing. Snohomishers were neither impressed, nor pleased with the March flakes.

My son and family live in Camarillo, which is about an hour from LA. Yesterday, the high was 56 degrees. And it's been raining. In SoCal, where I hear it never rains. They complained about having to put on sweatshirts. And socks.

This is what my back yard looked like last March.
And this... flooding
And this... flooding, plus ice.
This is what my back yard looked like last week, late in the afternoon. Very little snow.
And no flooding.

And this:
is what our thermometer said by late afternoon yesterday. The lower right numbers are the outside temp.

The wind was hot, like an August wind. And sticky, like August humidity. The world has turned upside down.

Crazy stuff. Absolutely crazy.

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