Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Cannon Beach

You all know how much I love this place, so we'll skip the preamble and get to the pretty pictures.
 The view from our room. That's Ecola Creek- we were not tempted to dip our tootsies in the water.
 Sunset on the Pacific
 The Rock!
 The Rock, closer!
A rare afternoon find on the sand.
 It took a few tries to catch the irridescence.
 Also self-explanatory
 There had been some high tides lately.
We've used these beach stairs for 26 years and counting
Not as many seagulls in the winter, but some stick around.
I do love the panorama function on my phone camera.


  1. Wow! What stunning photos!! I still can't believe that you are using a phones camera to get these magnificent photos! I can definitely see why you love the place so much! Probably the same way I feel about Hawaii. :)

  2. Hi Kathleen - -I love Cannon Beach as well. Since I didn't get to Oregon this holiday (stayed in delightfully weird Asheville), I enjoyed your posts. Thanks!
