Sunday, August 24, 2008

No Finish Line For Me

I woulda got it done. I know I woulda. Just 10 1/2" left to knit on the sleeves, and the cutting/sewing/assembly of the sleeves, and Genevieve's Graduation sweater will be done. And it would have been done by the end of the Olympics but for work.

But I'm making progress on the sock reknits (for color changes, not design elements, at least- so it's just a matter of following my own patterns, which is a handy way to test knit them), and I've made a bit of progress on the sleeves (about 6 rnds in the last 4 days... sigh...).

Since I was disqualified early on the Sock Knitter's Penthalon, I had so hoped to finish at least one of my Ravelympics 2008 projects.

Oh well.

Olympic Comment of the Day: Go Derek Miles, classmate and Fraternity Brother of my sons- 4th place in the Pole Vault at age 35 is an amazing achievement!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. You are a very talented knitter. That looks beautiful!
