Monday, August 25, 2008



I went out to take a picture of the crab apple tree yesterday because this year's crop is the biggest that poor little tree has produced in 24 years. Then I looked down at the ground.

So my granddaughter and I picked up a sack full of crab apples (they're bigger than usual- I think that the root stock took over from the graft, actually, because they're also tastier), and I washed, chopped and simmered them to extract the juice. I also remembered why people invented juice presses.

I let the rest of the solids settle overnight in the fridge. I have some out of town things to do this morning, but this afternoon, I may make Crab Apple Jelly. I have enough juice for 2 batches- one plain, and one cinnamon.


Last Olympic Comment: As gorgeous and stirring as the Opening Ceremonies were, that's how screechy and awful the Closing Ceremony was, though the human torch was cool.


  1. Crabapple jelly was the one thing I actually learned how to make in Grade 7 Home Ec...mine was pretty awful, but I bet yours won't be! And I love the image of you and your granddaughter picking up a sack of crabapples! So sweet.

  2. Is the graduation sweater going to be entered in NCFF? I'd really like to take a close-up look at the steeking.

  3. karen- I haven't made crabapple jelly for quite awhile, but it should turn out okay, though my jellies are often tough. But they taste good (and as little *real* jam as I eat lately, it'll taste more than good).

    brandy- if I finish the graduation sweater, I'll enter it (I'm hoping to finish). But if not, I'll bring it along to show it off anyway. So you should get a chance to take a peek.

  4. What a wonderful harvest!!! I like your plans for the fruit! :)
