Wednesday, February 17, 2010

AI Season 9- Hollywood Week #4

We saw 7 of the Top 24 last night, which leaves 37 kids to fill 17 slots tonight. My guess is that the show will have no problem stretching out 14 reveals to fill the hour.

Janell Wheeler, whose original audition was not so great, but was good in Hollywood with a solo guitar, and then not so great afterwards, is up first. Ellen grins as Janell makes her way to the stage, so it's probably good news. Yep, it is.

Tyler Grady looks more like an Olympic snowboarder, or a Jay Leno impersonator, than a singer. I don't remember much about his singing, but he's in too. He pulls a fakeout for his family, and that kind of grandstanding always annoys me.

Lacey Brown is on her second Hollywqood trip.She was in the Top 50 of Season 8, but was dropped in favor of Megan Joy (and we all know how well that worked out... CAW...). I don't know if she had aggressively red hair last year or not, but she sure has it now. She's in.

Side Note: evidently no chunky girls need apply. Every one of the female finalists so far is tall and thin, and most have 80" legs.  I'm pretty sure that vocal ability isn't linked to waist size, but you wouldn't know it by this year's female finalists. Interesting that the guys aren't held to that standard.

In quick succession, Ashley Rodriguez, Alex Lambert (take that Mary Rogers), and Joe Munoz are put through.

Aah, here's Crystal Bowersox, my fave so far. She's not totally clear about the AI audience or demo, but she's good enough that I overlook her ignroance and facial jewelry. She's in, and I am elated.

Katie Stevens is in despite the flower in her hair.

We see a string of rejections, but we don't know these kids, so we don't care.

Angela Martin is on her third trip to Hollywood. First time around, she was dealing with the death of her father, and a handicapped daughter. Last year, she had to withdraw to do jail time (for traffic violations? must have been some badass tickets). This year, she's unencumbered by grief or indictments, and ready to join the Top 24, and yet Kara still gently delivers the bad news. Ryan is very sweet about it, and Angela swears not to give up.

Lilly Scott, all platinum hair, improbable earrings, flowered hose, and floppy boobs, is in.

also Paige Miles (who?), Siobahn Magus, Michelle Delamor, Jermaine Sellers, and John Park (yeah!).

So, we have twenty minutes left, and just two slots to fill. Think the show can stretch the proceedings out that long?

Haeley Vaughn and Tori Kelly are both vying for the final female spot (which means that SD auditioners Audri Vargas and Mallorie Hayley are both already out. damn). I much prefer Tori, and Iwould have liked to at least hear Audri, which means that Haeley will get the nod.

On the men's side, it's down to Andrew Garcia (my other fave) and Thaddeus, who is rocking the Sleestack hair. Thaddeus is only 16, but his reaction to being rejected makes me wonder if he's eight. Mamma follows him into the bathroom stall to offer comfort.

Which means that Andrew is in, though he doesn't know it for a bit.

And finally we have our Top 24. Girls (who are mostly too old to be called girls, but we'll go with the show's terminology): Didi Benamin, Paige Miles, Lacey Brown, Ashley Rodriguez, Katelyn  Epperly, Michelle Delamor, Katie Stevens, Haeley Vaughn, Siobahn Magus, Janell Wheeler, Lilly Scott, and Crystal Bowersox.
and Guys: Todrick Hall, Tyler Grady, Aaron Kelly, John Park, Andrew Garcia. Lee Dewyse, Joe Munoz, Tim Urban, Michael Lynche, Casey James, Alex Lambert, and Jermaine Sellers.

Starting next Tuesday, it's up to us. Are we ready?


  1. I watch AI because I followed your blog as a knitter (you met me at SS09) Now I don't miss it partly because I love to read your commentary during my (West Coast)viewing the show. BTW- the song at the end of last night's episode "Hallelujah" sung by Jeff Buckley....I'm his aunt.

  2. Peglett- I'm glad to spread the AI insanity around... ho ho... and wow- so cool that you are Jeff Buckley's aunt!
