Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday Tab- Danish Ploufman Dolls from the 60's

My wonderful Anonymous Danish Paper Doll Friend has generously offerred to share some more of her collection with us.

For the next two weeks, we'll be seeing dolls from artists named Ploufman, who produced these dolls with an air brushing technique, in the 60's. I have a special fondness for the Glamour Girls, and the the ladies and outfits we'll be seeing are absolutely stunning!



  1. I'm having a hard time imagining that these were intended for very small girls ;^) (but yes, gorgeous - makes me want to design some clothes!)

  2. Hi Kathy: I just want to say "Thank You" for sharing all of your beautiful paper dolls. This is one of my favorite sites and your generosity is greatly appreciated. Friend: Charlotte

  3. Hi Kathleen: I just want to say "Thank You" for sharing your beautiful and interesting paper dolls. This is one of my favorite websites and your generosity is greatly appreciated. Friend: Charlotte

  4. This paperdoll calls to mind Joan Collins as Crystal in "The Opposite Sex"- the remake of "The Women" with singing, dancing and men. If you haven't seen it, well, it's just as you might imagine. But it has a great clothing and a wonderful cast. Everyone steals the show from June Allyson.

  5. Mary- there are some paper doll sets from the 40's that are pretty HOtsy Totsy- Vegas style showgirls. All very sexy glamour (like early Barbies). I love those sets.

    Shatzie- thanks so much!

    stellaluna- I'll have to check that movie out
