Monday, February 1, 2016

Heads Up, Colorers!

This week, over 50 universities and libraries worldwide are participating in a Color Our Collections event- each institution will release a coloring page every day from Feb 1-5 (and some have already released their offerings as PDF booklets to print). The pages are all from archives, pages from books, paintings and other publications in eras from Medeival- The Present.

The variety of pages is pretty astounding, and it's going to be great fun. Here's a link with all of the links.  And if you are on Twitter, here's another list.  Colorers are encouraged to share their pages on all social media sites, using the #colorourcollections. I'm posting mine on Facebook and Instagram (I stay far far away from Twitter).

I jumped the gun, and have colored several pages already from books that were available early:

From the Biodiversity Heritage  Library - they very helpfully provide coloring suggestions... heh...

From the New York Academy of Medicine coloring book.

From the Bodleian Library

There's no way I can keep up with all of the participants, but I'm going to snag as many of the pages as I can!

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