Sunday, November 2, 2008


I don't know what I'm going to do with it- wear it, gift it, drape it artfully across the end of a bed, or just stand back and admire my own handiwork (and the fact that I didn't mess up The Yarn Harlot's pattern too badly). But whatever else I do with the Snowdrop shawl, I will likely cart it around with me for a few days, accosting innocent bystanders and forcing them to gush over it with me (no sympathy for them- they're obviously not inocent, or they wouldn't be out and about when a dangerous woman is carrying a hand knit lace shawl).

Stats: 7.7 ozs pima cotton yarn (which did soften up after washing), probably about 1,200 yds, size 5 needles, blocked: 72" wide x 36" long. Free pattern from The Yarn Harlot (link to the right of the page). The pattern is well written, and I learned new things (like the I-Cord bind off, and adding a knitted edging), and though I will probably not knit it again, I am very glad that I found the pattern.

Up next: The Forest Canopy Shawl in some handspun. Pattern available here:


Fríða said...

congratulations Kathleen! it´s simply beautiful!
best from Iceland

Mary Keenan said...

Kathi - love it! It's so pretty and I sure don't see any mistakes either ;^)

Maureen said...

It is beautiful! What a wonderful job. I think it will have to go on my to knit list.

Kat said...

It looks gorgeous!! Congratulations on finishing it! Those knitted-on borders sure do go one forever but you finished amazingly quickly (compared to my progress usually, anyway!).

Knit -University said...

It's lovely- Don't know what to do with it? I just had a birthday you could send it to me! ;-)