Monday, November 17, 2008

Whoa, that's a lot lighter

I knew that the color change from the charcoal background to the gray was going to be sharp, but this is almost startling. On the other hand, it's necessary- some of the remaining colors are just too dark to show with a very brown background. I haven't quite decided whether I actually "like" it or not (shades of unnecessary quotation marks), but I'm not going back. The course is set.

What still isn't "set" (it's a disease, lemee tellya) is whether this will be a high neck cardigan, or a v-neck. I'll have to decide soon (though I suppose, I really don't have to decide. I can make a v-neck from a regular construction by cutting the steeks at an angle, rather than straight up, though that will result in some unnecessary knitting). I only have to knit about 1 1/2" into the next border on the sleeves (purples) and they'll be finished. And only about 10" remain on the body. This sweater has come together really quickly (if you don't count the 7 years it took me to accumulate all of the handspun yarn, and the 8 months that the skeins hung over the railing in my office, before I started knitting).

And I still don't know what to title it. Falling Morris Harvest?


knitster said...

I think I like this one better than the last one with the color changes. WOW just gorgeous.

Fríða said...

it´s just gorgeous, can´t wait to see it all finished.
best wishes from Iceland

LizzieHelen said...

With so many colors now, how about "Harvest Spectrum"?


gail said...

WOW Kathleen. That is one gorgeous sweater!

Allison said...

How about "Morris Falling Into the Pile of Leaves"?

Mary Keenan said...

Whoa, that's seriously striking and beautiful. LOVE these colours together!