You know what? Spending 7 hours in classrooms severely limits the amount of shopping I can do in a single day. But I managed to buy some fiber anyway, and I squeezed in an hour or so spinning between and after classes. It has been far too long since I had the wheel out, and it was so lovely to sit in a circle with other spinners and play with wool. This batt is dyed and natural Teeswater/Cotswold Cross from Aleta Van Kampen's Da*Ko*Ta Patternworks and Fibers. It's beautifully prepared and spins like a dream. It should make lovely, sturdy sock yarn. I also bought a 3oz baggie of freshly plucked angora from an entreprenurial young man who made the rounds from spinner to spinner, looking for a purchaser for his last bag of the day.

But I spent most of the day in a classroom- the morning with 4 intrepid ladies who bravely cut their knitting and completed their doll-size sweaters in 4 hours. Together, we tested out my new workshop directions, and only found a couple of places that need additions or more illustrations. I hope they learned as much from me as I learned from them. Note the beautiful red shawl in the 2nd pic- it was an Extreme Yarn Makeover, with the yarn recycled from an old sweater and knit into the most beautiful lace shawl. I should have taken a class from her.

In the afternoon, another 7 ladies (well another 6, and one who also took the steeking class) tackled short-row heels. We learned that my instructions need some photos (I'll do another heel and scan every step), but each of the ladies completed their heel, and we had a good time (snapped needles notwithstanding).
After classes, we had a buffet meal, and a fashion show from entries in the competition (narrated by none other than Rick Mondragon, editor of Knitters magazine.) My Pheasant Gloves took 2nd place in the Knit with Commercial Yarn category. There were some absolutely beautiful knitted, woven, and felted items entered, and lots of happy ribbon winners.
It was a lovely festival-with 21 vendors (I'm sorry I didn't get to spend more money), demos all day (I watched angora being spun directly from the rabbit), good food, good friends, and roomfuls of people who really do understand when wool asks to come home with you. Can't ask for more than that, except maybe more people attending. See you all at NCFF next year?
Your roving is lovely! Does Aleta sell her fleece over the internet? The single that you have spun from it is beautiful! Thanks for sharing...
As far as I know, Aleta doesn't have a website. But you could try e-mailing her at:
jelybean1011 AT rap DOT midco DOT net
NCFF just ended today, so she may not be back home yet.
My batts were her Northern Lights colorway, with a gray base, 80% Teeswater, Cotswold Cross, 20% other (not sure what the other is- I don't think it's mohair). It's a lovely longwool, and it's spinning up beautifully.
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