Here I was all ready to roll out the balloons and streamers to honor my first Blogiversary, today August 31- one whole year of blogging, and over 140,000 visitors (okay some of them are me just checking things, but not 140k worth), with prizes and everything as a thanks to everyone who has visited, and commented, and passed the word along, and just been here with me for this last year.
And then I checked my old posts because I couldn't remember what I said in my first one (you know, a sort of nostalgic look back), and discovered that my first post was made on August 21, 2007.
No wonder Blog has been sulky and silent for days, giving me the eye and not even thanking me for the flowers I bought this morning.
But I'll make it up, I promise. With drawings and prizes- a copy of I Heart Felt, a copy of 101 Designer One-Skein Wonders, and though neither one is published yet, a copy of Luxury One Skein Wonders (out in October, I have a project in the book), and a copy of The Prayer Shawl Companion (out toward the end of September- not only do I have a project in the book, that's my shawl on the cover). And maybe a couple other prizes to be announced later. Lots of prizes, lots of winners!
All you have to do to enter is post a comment to this post between now and Tuesday. I'll draw names-I'll mail I Heart Felt and 101 Designer One Skein Wonders right away, the others will go out as soon as the books are published.
Do be sure to add your name to your comment- I have no idea who writes anonymous unsigned posts. Winners will be announced on Wednesday!
It's been a great year! Thanks to all!